You are a piece of the Peace puzzle.
Together we create Peace.
As I look out my window on endless sky and rolling green hills, I watch the Light come.
Pastel blues and pinks flood the clouds in every changing streaks of soft color.
I could be watching the news or traffic on the early morning show.
The question I ask of myself as I awaken to this day, this moment is: "How do I bring Peace?"
Doing the I Ching and writing these reminders I reflect on my own peace of mind.
I could be thinking about what to wear, the bills to pay or how to get everything done.
I am happy to be alive right here and right now sharing with You and alone,"all one", with God.
A spider weaves his magic. A red plane flies high. The colors change. The music flows sweetly.
I am at peace.
I could be looking forward to my day or wistful about yesterday or anxious about tomorrow.
Being present is natural to those who appreciate.
Being peaceful is natural to those who forgive.
Being happy is naturally to those who love.
Problems are resolved naturally by those who have a forgiving attitude.
One creates their own reality by suspending all impositions and relinquishing all judgment.
Only when we depend on others to create our experience are we victims of the world.
Om namaste.
May you know the peace of your own Goodness from within.
Betty Lue
The Light Has Come. I have forgiven the world.
Or better yet, I have not judged.
Loving you with a Love that has no end.