Friday, December 16, 2005


"Right speech, harmlessness,
Restraint in speaking ill of others,
Moderation in food, at peace in remoteness and solitude,
Devotion to higher meditation.
This is the teaching of the Buddhas."
-Dhammapada 185

I am inspired by the dunset and the wind.
I am inspired by written and spoken words.
I am inspired by the face of babies or the elderly.
I am inspired by kindness and wisdom.
I am inspired by holy books and by poetry.
I am inspired by creativity and beauty.
I am inspired by cleaning and by counseling.
I am inspired by live and by death.

The words above are an inspiring reminder, succinct and without subtlety.
I am inspired.

May you be inspired,
Betty Lue
800-919-2392 or email me.