Buying is not required to celebrate Christmas.
Giving things is not needed to feel the joy of the season.
Let's really ask ourselves, how can I give hope and faith and love?
Let's encourage ourselves to create a new tradition for Christmas.
Let's consider that the customary gift-giving may not be best for all.
Let's imagine that we could begin a new way of valuing one another.
What is the most sacred way for you to celebrate this holiday?
What is the greatest gift you could possibly receive?
What is the most lasting and important gift you have to give?
Who is it that most needs your love and kindness today?
Everyday is Christmas when we remember.
Love is Who We Are.
Everything unlike Love is calling for Love.
The only real gift is one which lasts.
Ideas for you to consider.
Letters of forgivenenss.
Notes of appreciation.
Memories and photos of loving times.
Acts of service and kindness.
Promises to spend time with others.
Arranging trips or vacations for your loved ones.
Playing games together.
Only give what is needed and wanted.
Talking about important ideas.
Sharing a meal with gratitude and grace.'
Going to those in need to share song and Christmas cheer.
Packing up food and toys for those who have none.
Donating money to your favorite cause.
Playing the gift exchange game with everyone in your family.
Just say I love you a lot!!!
Betty Lue
Can you imagine how much fun it is to play with, learn with and love these two cherubs?