Monday, November 07, 2005


Why do we let babies cry?
Why do we yell at our loved ones?
Why do we get drunk and act like fools?
Why do we not clean our glasses?
Why do we eat junk food?
Why do we watch ignorant and disrespectful stuff on TV?
Why do we let our kids play violent video games?
Why do we spend money on clothes and trinkets but give to the disaster folks?
Why do we ignore our own needs for quiet and alone time?
Why do we stuff ourselves unconsciously with negativity and unhealthy stuff?
Why do we waste time on what doesn't matter and avoid what really matters?

Humanity makes an interesting study.
We are given the power of choice.
Yet, often we make unhealthy and unnatural choices.
If we were more like the animals, we would take care of basic needs first.
If we were conscious and awake, we would take care of our young impeccably.
If were mindful, we would conserve when we have less.
If we were loving, we would respond when anyone cries with total willingness to help.
If we were happy, we would do and have and give only happy stuff.
If we were healthy, we would eat, watch and serve only the healthiest foods.
If we were peaceful, we would create and sell only peace-making ideas and toys.
If we were fulfilled, we would see only to fulfill everyone's highest dreams.

What makes us unconscious, lazy, selfish and foolish?
What are we teaching the next generation?

We teach first by our example and how we live daily.
We teach second by what we give and say, encourage and reward.
We create and teach by everything we think and say and do in private and in public.
It works for me to ask: Is this what I want humanity to learn from me?

Being conscious, clear and committed to the highest vision create the world we see.
Choose today to find a better way to live and give, to love and serve.

It only takes one to make a difference.
And you are the One.
Betty Lue

Don’t forget about our Leadership Training Asheville, NC this weekend, plus book signings and talks at the Malaprops bookstore.

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