I have been challenged this last month with concern for my granddaughter Gia and legal decisions being made which may effect her whole life well being. There are current custody disputes, which concern me because Gia's rights have not been heard or honored. Her needs for stability, security, consistent parenting and to be surrounded with familiar family, school and caregivers with whom she has established a bond seem to be overlooked by the courts and legal system. I am now speaking on her behalf and have alienated my daughter, who was falsely accusing to demand a change in Gia's home, her school, her relationships with her Dad and his family and with us as grandparents and caregivers. The temporary order of the court has given Gia the summer with her mother and her 19 yr. old Swedish nanny who just arrived in the US. Gia's Mom is a resident surgeon, so is most often not present. Without Gia being asked what she might like, the courts have decided the mother needed equal time and so ordered that Gia spend the summer at her mother's condo, with only limited visitation with her Dad and us. Gia is isolated, lonely, confused and depressed. "How have I caused this?" is her inner question.
So what do I, do as grandmother and secondary caregiver since early infancy?
What can I do as a spiritual teacher and counselor?
What can I do as an advocate for children's rights?
What can I do to listen to Gia and give her a voice in meeting her needs?
What can I do as a leader by example?
What can I do to learn from this and to heal my thinking and my fears?
What can I do as a responsible and conscious human being?
When Terry was in kindergarten and having emotional upset after school from the punitive environment, I first gave her the opportunity to deal with it by just listening to her.
Then, someone asked me who had the power to change things for the child?
That single question awakened in me that children often have no power to change their circumstances.
Adults are to listen and observe, protect and create the best living and learning environments for children.
So how do we do this for all children?
Who speaks for children who are not getting proper nutrition or enough love?
Who speaks for children who are not learning because no one understands their differences?
Who speaks for children who are left alone or in the care of someone who is cruel or neglectful?
Who speaks for children who are wrongly taken from their loving homes for no good reason?
Who speaks for children who are sick or handicapped, or have no books to read or shoes that fit?
Who speaks for the child?
I am speaking up for all children. No matter what the law says, there must be equal rights for the child along with the rights of the parents.
No matter what the human condition, there must be a way to support each child in having the opportunity for education, nurturing, a functional family environment, and time to freely express.
When I ask, "What can I do?" I hear from within:
"Remember all is well. The challenges of today will all pass away and only Love will remain.
In the meantime, remember always to Love well by holding the highest vision.
Always Love well by sharing honestly with no secrets or withholds.
Always love well by giving the best you have and teaching in the ways of Love without guile.
Always love well by staying committed to the Highest Good for all concerned.
Always love well by taking full responsibility and remembering to respond without guilt or blame.
Dear Betty Lue, you are there in prayer, in thought, word and deed.
You are conscious and conscientious, consistently offering help, guidance and support.
Trust your Love is enough.
Now ask your friends in Spirit, in this life journey of remembering to stay with you in prayer, keeping the flame of right action, holy purpose and divine will alive and bright in the lives of all those involved."
I ask you Dear friends, hold the Highest Outcome in your consciousness. We need not know what it is, nor manipulate, control or demand our way, but rather give All to All to have All provided.
Loving us together in life for the sake of all beings,
Betty Lue
"Together there is nothing we cannot do." And I thank God this is so!