I am wearing my white wrist band which reminds us "We are One."
I am drawn to share with you this simple spiritual prayer.
Yes, we all want to know, to understand, to have our desires be fulfilled.
And still, we cannot know or understand or be perfectly fulfilled, because we cannot see the whole.
We are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is healed, all are healed.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all;
I ask that only that which is for the highest good of all concerned happen here.
I give thanks that this is done and so it is.
We can say an affirming prayer.
We can seek to come to peace.
We can request the highest Good be done.
We can trust that the greater wisdom of Love will prevail.
We can let go of our petty desires and ask for All.
We can relinquish our misunderstanding and distorted perceptions.
We can forgive our doubting mind and fearful neediness.
We can surrender our human interest to the Greater good.
We can deny that harm is done, but allowing for the temporary nature of our existence.
We can believe there is opportunity to heal and learn, to help and give.
We can find a higher understanding in our true peaceful mind and loving heart.
We can join together in seeking higher ground and a better way.
We can let go and laugh and live and love trusting all is well within the journey of our souls.
I am ever loving and blessing you and all as One.
Betty Lue