Can you feel the surge of hope for the coming year 2005?
Can you hear the cry for faith in greater things yet to come?
Can you see the call for loving kindness all over our world?
And the greatest of these is Love, yours and mine.
Our greatest gift is our Loving Presence.
Our greatest relationship is love of our Source and Creator.
Our greatest work is that of forgiveness to release the past.
Our greatest creation is to see the Beauty and Goodness in life.
Our greatest service is to love each one as ourselves.
Our greatest courage is to have faith even in times of struggle and suffering.
Our greatest lesson is to love no matter what.
Our greatest opportunity is to choose consciously for what we desire.
Our greatest abundance is gratitude for limitless possibilities available to us.
Thou Art Great and we are the creations of the Greatest.
We have within us the capacity to choose, to create and live life to the fullest, right now.
We have within us the beauty and magnificence far beyond what our eyes can see.
We have within us the radiant Love that can Hope all things, heal all things and endure all things.
We have within us the freedom to create that which is Beautiful, Good and Healthy for All.
We have within us the faith that commits and persists to fulfillment of our highest aspirations.
We have within us the courage to forgive past hurts and move on to trust and love again.
We have within us the willingness to let go, to listen to Spirit and learn what is for our Good.
We have within us the music of the spheres to bring us to grateful tears of remembering God.
We have within us the Joy of greeting each new morn with the full realization of Who and Whose we are.
Thou Art Great. And Life is Good.
Let us celebrate the many magnificent gifts that reside with each one of us.
Today on the eve of the Greatest Light and Life that may have ever lived on this earth, let us be joyful and allow the wisdom of the Holy Ones to fill us with wonderful vision for what we are here to do and be.
Welcome Holy Child, born to us this day, to remind us of how to pray and how to play the game of life.
Welcome, Holy Child of Bethlehem, to help us see the Light and share God’s Love.
Welcome, Holy Child, born in a lowly manger bed, to encourage us to offer Peace and Goodwill to All.
Welcome, Holy Child within each and every One, thank you for being the Son of God you are.
Blessed be through time and eternity, for so you are,
Betty Lue