I am not responsible for making anyone happy.
I am responsible for being happy.
I am not responsible for healing others.
I am responsible for being whole.
I am not responsible for obeying others’ requests.
I am responsible for keeping my agreements and changing them when no longer highest and best.
I am not responsible for believing in what others see as true.
I am responsible for seeking the highest truth I know.
I am not responsible for what others share with me.
I am responsible for how I receive what others share.
I am not responsible for others’ health and well-being.
I am responsible for setting the highest example of wellness.
I am not responsible for how others choose to live.
I am responsible for my own consciousness and choices.
I am not responsible for others’ learning and whole life journey.
I am responsible to not agree with mistakes, sympathize with neediness, and protect you from growth.
I am not responsible for others’ unconscious behaviors.
I am responsible for being nice to keep others sleeping.
I am not responsible for others’ problems or upsets.
I am responsible for waking others up to make conscious choices.
I am able to respond to others, when I have responded to myself with love and conscious choice.
Where I sacrifice myself for others to assuage fear or guilt, I will not be able to truly respond.
Where I take control over others experiencing the consequences of life, I limit learning.
Where I handle the lives of those around me by judging, fixing or trying to make it better, I interfere.
Therefore I choose to respond with what is in alignment with the Good of All concerned.
I choose to listen and respond with the freedom and trust of Eternal Love.
I choose to honor my whole life values and respect the journey of each one along life’s path.
I choose to be wholly response-able and impeccable in my daily life.
Loving you by being able and willing to respond with Love.
Betty Lue