When I remember I am whole and holy, I am healed.
When I remember my Creator and my Source, I am healed.
When I remember I am not my body, I am healed.
When I remember God is the healer, I am healed.
When I remember only love is real, I am healed.
When I remember to forgive everyone and everything, I am healed.
When I remember there is nothing to fear, I am healed.
When I remember I am created as Love by Love for the purpose of Loving, I am healed.
When I remember health and illness are a temporary illusion of duality, I am healed.
When I remember to breathe and be free in Spirit, I am healed.
When I remember to trust in God, I am healed.
When I remember that I am the Light of God’s Love here in body, I am healed.
When I remember that I Am within, I am healed.
Healing is not of the body, but of the mind.
Healing is letting go of all fears and misperceptions.
Healing is the process by which we return to peace within.
Healing is seeing beyond the apparency of temporary experiences as a result of faulty thinking.
Healing is forgiving all errors in my mind.
Healing is giving All to All for the Good of All.
Healing is remembering that I am created whole and holy.
Healing is letting go of a belief in what is not real and lasting.
Even though in this world we see some are not cured of disease, we can see the healing in their eyes. Even though the body may be released in what we name as death, we can hear the voice of Eternal Love. Even though there are those who assume this physical life is the only truth, there are those who see and know what is beyond this world of physical and emotional experience.
Even though some fear the end of physical life, there are those who are totally at peace as they transcend the worries of this world.
Even though there are those who try to save the body, it is the Essence, the spark of God in each one that seeks to be remembered and expressed.
Even though, there may be some who only see with their eyes, there are those who see the holiness with their hearts.
We can only begin to express what is healing here with words.
Simply go to the Source for healing.
Simply love yourself and All That Is for healing.
Simply know you are not alone, when you are healed.
Remember We are One,
When anyone remembers, all are awakened to remember what it real.
Be the holiness and see only holiness,
In this, we are healed as One.
Loving you,
Betty Lue