Some learning and teaching themes for me in this new school year.
Pay attention to what I am learning and remembering from the teachers in my life.
The healing of human consciousness is really about letting go of all our false notions and myths.
With freedom comes the responsibility to vote for the way I want to believe and perceive, live and give.
Fear is contagious and creates limited awareness, forgetfulness and lack of openness and understanding.
Comfort begets laziness. Challenge invites creativity.
How simple can it be? Infinite Love and Gratitude heals it all.
Seek the Highest Vision in a world of apparent limited insight and creativity.
When in doubt, forgive and choose again.
To love yourself and believe in yourself is to free yourself to be All You are here to be.
What are your themes to teach and learn?
Who are the teachers in your life?
Where are you turning away from what is calling to be remembered?
How can you give your whole self to Higher Truth and Better Living?
When are you willing to accept the challenges of living with Infinite Love and Gratitude?
Every child who goes to school learns from their teachers and fellow classmates.
Every child learns from classroom, playground, doing homework and after school.
Every adult is likewise learning from everyone in our lives, even though we resist.
There is not a moment when we are excluded from opportunities to wake up and remember.
What we know inside is the Love we are, the Love that created us and everyone,
the Love that is the creative and ever expanding Force in the Universe.
When we lose sight of this Love, we lose our appreciation of the Perfection in all things.
We expend energy judging, defending, fixing and blaming what merely needs to be seen differently.
When seen with Love, miracles result.
When our minds are filled with appreciation and open-mindedness, healing and miracles occur.
May I give this day and everyday to healing my misperceptions.
May I everyone every one and everything with Infinite Love and Gratitude.
May I truly be an Eternal learner, a Child of Goodness and deLight.
Blessed be,
Forever Loving You and Me and All That Is,
Betty Lue