Saturday, February 25, 2012

Addictions and Attachments

Remember not every reminder is for everyone!   
But it may be for someone you love or wish to remind. 
Make sure you are reading them to understand how to love better, not to teach the other a lesson!
Be sure to delete what is not helpful or loving for you.

Are you self medicating to handle your own emotional and physical pain?
Do you believe that you can cover the pain with a prescribed drug, street drug or addiction?
Are you caught in the pain of not living the life you really want?
Do you wish someone or something could take the pain and fear and despair away?

Are you attached to a person or substance or activity that you HOPE will set you free?
Are you wishing that something outside yourself can offer the magic to stop the pain?
Are you fantasizing that even a temporary respite, a moment of relief with help?
Are you deceiving yourself by believing curing the symptom will handle the cause?

Our world often tricks us into believing what we want is what we need.
Our mind seems to make up excuses and explanations for why we need what is not helping.
Our culture often sells us the “stuff” as the “fix” to get us to keep buying: saying “more is better”.
And our friends seem happy doing it, so why not try is too!

So what is your answer to your inner quest and craving?
What is your cure-all for your hunger and to stop the pain?
What is your magic potion for your dissatisfaction with life?
What do you believe will “make your dreams come true”?

What do you believe you need to be whole, happy and free?
Possible answers???
Someone to love you and support you and take care of you?
An affair where you have romance and get your physical needs met?
A divorce so you can be free and do your own thing?
Having kids and being able to feel their unconditional love and dependency on you?
A better job so you can be happy going to work everyday.
A bigger house so you can impress your friends and make it feel beautiful
Winning the Lottery so you can afford a nice vacation and that big house.
Losing weight so you can feel attractive and wear nice clothes.
Better health so you don’t have to keep going to doctors and taking medicine..
Being smarter so you get better grades or can get a degree.
Being happy life instead of being depressed.
Having energy so you can get something done.
Having friends so you don’t feel so lonely.
Getting high so you don’t have to think.
Stopping the fear and anxiety so you can function.
Getting out of pain so you can do normal stuff.
Relaxing and releasing stress and feeling pressure.
Stopping the craziness of the world you are in.

Help and healing begin within.  
When we are obsessing on what is not working, we cannot see what will work.
We take shortcuts to stop the craving and neediness.
We cover the symptoms without healing the cause.
We keep attracting more of the same, because our focus is on the problem.

When we want to heal, we must see the “problem” for what it really is.
When we want to fix ourselves, we must reveal the “leak”, the disconnect and stop the misinformation.
When we identify the problem with something external, we will attempt to plug the leak with externals.
The problem lies with our own disconnection with our true Self, our Higher Self, our authentic Self.

The answers lie within.
We must see what really is.
Trust that a Higher Power will settle every problem.
Forgiving, erasing and deleting misinformation and misidentification is the key.

More tomorrow.
Loving you,  
Betty Lue
Tips for Whole Life Health
1.   Nutrition—Ingest the best and forget the rest. Feed your body and mind only what is best for you.
2.   Movement—Enjoy moving with the natural flow of life.
3.   Breath—Breathe in life energy and expand your awareness. Exhale fully to release what is no longer needed.
4.   Touch—Reach out with love and respect.
5.   Thought—Choose thoughts which heal and free you.
6.   Forgiveness—Erase beliefs which limit you.
7.   Attitude—Express gratitude. Enjoy life.
8.   Balance—Moderation in all things brings harmony.
9.   Perception—What you perceive in others, you strengthen in yourself.
10. Purity—Eliminate toxic thoughts, activities and relationships.
11. Rest—Relax your mind and body to be revitalized.
12. Contribution—Give everyone what you want to have.

 You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life
If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing

For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still

So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity

A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer