Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Are You?

Relationship Workshop II tonight, 7-8:45PM at Reunion Center in Pleasant Hill. Also Available on line and CD.
Topic: Values Clarification, Mission and Purpose, Agreement and Guidelines, Handling Differences Effectively.
Everyone is invited and will learn what you need.

Who Are You?

You are Essence of all that is perfect and pure Love!
In this we are all One, equally and perfectly Loved as the Love We Are.
You show up as personality, body, psyche, of your learning, history, genetics, astrology, ancestry.
In this we are each unique, complex, expressions of what needs to be healed as well as our gifts, talents, resources, quirks and eccentricities.

Few recognize their Divine Self and their perfection and unconditional Love.
When we know this Truth, we are peaceful, happy, confident and trusting.
Most human see their Ego or Personality or Learned self as their truth.
When we attach to our unique identity, we express it with all its beauty and its challenges.

In attachment, we tend to repeat the issues we have held from our parents and past learning.
We tend to use our problems as excuses and limitation.
We tend to defend, protect and build barriers to healing our woundedness.
We tend to believe everything our loved ones have told us or the ways they treated us.
We tend to take responsibility for others pain and problems.
We tend to use guilt and blame against ourselves and others as a way of not taking responsibility.
We tend to identity with our wound, issues, fears and failures.
We tend to be addicted or habituated in our thinking, emotional expression and behaviors.
We tend to deny our ability to clarify, choose, change, commit and communicate effectively.
We tend to act as if we are limited, lacking and less than others.
We tend to defend, blame and be victims of the external world.
We tend to try to change, correct or fix everything outside ourselves, neglecting our own needs.
We tend to live unconsciously with little compassion, understanding and forgiveness.
In waking up to infinite possibility and choice, we realize our limitlessness and our power of choice.
We no longer use excuses, justifications, or self-made limitations.
We take responsibility and are willing and able to heal ourselves.
We recognize the false beliefs and fearful thinking of others and let them go quickly and easily.
We trust others to learn their own lessons and handles their own problems without our interference.
We freely and easily forgive the judgments and grievances we have held against others.
We identify with our power to renew our minds and surrender always to the Good.
We acknowledge our addictions and destructive habits and learn  helpful tools to clear them.
We use the power tools of clarity, choice, change, communication and commitment to take responsibility.
We think, speak and behave from our intrinsic freedom, abundance and magnificence.
We recognize that we are at choice and can easily forgive mistakes and choose again.
We transform our lives by  changing our thoughts, our words, our behavior and relationships.
We take impeccable care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially.
We live consciously with compassion, patience, understanding, forgiveness, joy and gratitude.
We fully appreciate our selves and our life and our life loves us.

Life works for you when your works are meaningful, positive and joyous.
Give always and only what you want to see and be and have in your world.
Loving us all as one in being fully able to respond with Love.  
Betty Lue

You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life
If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing

For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still

So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity

A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer