What are your responsibilities?
Are you willing to be responsible?
Are you able to be responsible?
Are you ready to consistently respond with Love?
To be response able is to respond with Love?
To be response able is to respond without our blame or guilt.
To be response able is to respond without duty or obligation.
To be response able is to respond with respect, gratitude and joy.
Often we think of responsibilities as heavy burdens, duties and obligations.
We tend to respond to others with trying to fix, correct, oblige, demand, blame.
Or we react with fear, judgment, advice, threats, punishment or withholding Love.
When we turn our relationships into negative interaction, both parties are injured.
Give up the responsibility of fixing, changing, correcting and advising.
When you are invited or asked to be helpful.
Listen to what their true need is and respond with respect and kindness.
Listen to your heart and inner guidance and respond with insight, inspiration and information.
When someone asks you to give to them, do for them, share what you can with love and ease.
When another does not ask for your opinion, keep it to yourself.
When you are not asked or invited, mind your own business.
Correct your own thinking and undo your own misperceptions and judgments.
To see the best, invite, encourage and facilitate the best in another.
Let go of finding fault, looking for mistakes and seeking what is wrong.
What you look for you will find or make up or exaggerate or increase.
To see the worst, judge, resist avoid, discourage, demand and withhold, opens more of the same.
I am responsible for everything I see, and everything that happens to me.
I experience as I have asked or invited consciously or unconsciously with words or silently, with wishing or resisting.
When I can respond with forgiveness and love, freedom and trust, kindness and respect, it is easy to change my request and my experience.
When I react with judgment and fear, restriction and doubt, anger and impatience, it is impossible to see things differently.
I am here to learn to be truly helpful.
Being truly helpful is learning to respond in a way that is loving and effective.
When what I do or say or think comes from love and respect, it is helpful.
When what I do or say or think comes from fear and judgment, it is not helpful or effective.
Choosing to make my business, the work of being able and willing to respond with Love,
Betty Lue