Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Miracle of Appreciation

Just a few days of really appreciating someone can turn around a relationship or situation.
Just imagine stopping all complaining and criticism.
Just imagine seeking any and every excuse to say thank you, to smile with appreciation.
Just imagine how good it feels to express gratitude rather than negativity.

The response from others will astound and amaze you.
In the beginning, they may not believe you.
Then they come around to receive your gratitude.
Eventually they respond with giving you back more expressions of their gratitude.
This is a note I received from  a dear person who used entirely gratitude in her relationship with her partner.  Notice how quickly he responded!

Right away I started sending him notes saying thank you for this, thank you for that. And when he came home the same, every little thing that I noticed I said thank you to him in some way. The first day I think he was kind of looking at me funny, (and I felt a little lighter) by the second he was smiling and happy, and by the third, he was doing stuff all over the place, without being asked and happily! Then by the 4th day he starts talking about how he feels his energy is shifting and it is like he woke up all of a sudden that he has been walking around in a miserable grumpy fog and he doesn't want to do that anymore. He said he wants to be happy and enjoy his children and have a good relationship with me, etc. He even looked me in the eye and said he was sorry! He did that over the weekend and then again today.
I had decided I was going to try this for a week but was so surprised when only after a few days I all of a sudden had dramatic results. It was great and things are already way better. That is truly amazing, thank you.

The attitude of gratitude will heal your mind and your life will change for the good.
The attitude of criticism will make you sick and your life will slide downhill.
The choice to appreciate will increase the Goodness and Happiness within you and your affairs.
The choice to disrespect and denigrate will deplete the Goodness and Joy within you and your life.

Yes, It is true.  The world is a reflection of what is within your Mind.
Your relationships will let you see what needs to be forgiven and release to have peace.
Your finances will show you how you have believed giving and receiving occurs.
Your health is a reflection of your learned beliefs in fear, anger and the misuse of your body.

To appreciate you and your life empowers you to remember the inner Truth.
To appreciate others and their learning inspires them to remember their inner Truth.
To value all you have learned and are learning encourages you to continue your journey to freedom.
To value what you really want to see and be, have and do, is to awaken the purpose of life in you.

Love unconditionally.  Serve from your heart.  Remember God and Goodness.
For so it is that the Holy Purpose of Life is done.
Loving you,  

Betty Lue

You are  my spiritual partners as we conspire to co-create a better world.
My heart smiles and my spirit rejoices.
Your gifts of love and appreciation inspires me and feed my soul.
Celebrate the gifts we share and grow in abundance and beauty.
Offering all I am given in Love,  supports, strengthens and affirms this Love.

I love you, as you live the life you consciously desire.
I am supported and sustained by your kindness and generosity.
May you  honor your Holy Self as you walk in Goodness, Beauty and Love.

Loving You,
Betty Lue