Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Let Go with Your Blessings

“I love You and release You to Your Highest Good.”To hang on to someone or something hurts.
Attachment is the source of all suffering.Holding on to a person, thing or life experience when its time has passed causes pain.

It is likened to trying to stop a roller coaster with your hand.
When we trust and free, we let go with our blessing.
We must hold our loved ones loosely.
To try to make someone stay is futile and generates guilt and resentment.

Neediness weakens everyone.
Being needy generates unhealthy emotions.
While being needy may have worked as children to control our parents, it is not mature behavior.
Being needy implies we have not trusted respected or loved ourselves well.

To let go of limiting beliefs, destructive habits and faulty thinking is healing and helpful.
To let go of limiting relationships frees us to choose again for healthy and affirming connections.
To let go of destructive habits with loving awareness of our choices empowers us to be healthy.
To let go of faulty thinking requires our willingness to question outdated and ineffective beliefs.

When we show our hurt and sorrow, we engender guilt in the one leaving.
When we hurt ourselves with self criticism, doubt and lingering regrets, we are mistaken.
When we hang on to look good, be right, try to hold on for our own security and comfort, we limit others.
When we put our own needs first and neglect the rights of others to be free, we teach fear.

Yes, agreements are valuable….but they must change over time.
What one needs at 5 or 10 changes dramatically, when we are 20.
In marriage, friends and business partnership, the needs of the individuals change everyday.
To be conscious, is to be fully aware, each moment of how to respond to each new situation.

To be a safe place, tell yourself the whole truth.
To be a safe place, listen openly while others tell their truth.
To be a safe place, make it OK for each person to have their own truth.
To be a safe place, you need never defend or explain or justify your choices or ask others to do so.

To build closeness in any relationship, we must know ourselves intimately.
To be intimate is to be able to see into me.  Inimacy=”in to me see”.
When we are defended, superficial or do not know ourselves, no one can see into our heart.
When we have not taken the time to listen within, to discover our own mission, vision and dreams, others can only touch our surface self, our appearance and our accomplishments.

To grow, to heal, to connect with ourselves, we must let go of the past complaints, worries, judgments, fears and sorrow by releasing gently and respectfully with our blessings. To be all we are here to be at home and work, we must come to know and love, trust and respect ourselves.
This requires time, energy and a willingness to “Do the Work!”
Let go and come to know Who You Are and your higher and Holy Purpose here.

Know Your Self and Be True to Yourself  These are the secrets to being healthy and happy and fulfilled.
Betty Lue

¤      I love you      ¤
and I know you love me too.

LOVE IS FREEDOMThe freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
LOVE IS TRUSTThe trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love

I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.

Betty Lue 1978