Thursday, October 07, 2010

Release and Let Go

I release and I let go.  I let Love run my life.When we let go of old outdated fears, we need to trust we have something to take their place.
When we let go of unwanted clutter, we need to feel like we will not be left with nothing.
When we let go of worn out clothing, we need to see that we have what we enjoy wearing.
When we let go of our loved ones, home or job, we need to believe there is something more to come.

I release and I let go.  I let Joy run my life.When we let go of the sorry, hurt and regret, we need to believe there will be a replacement.
When we erase hurtful and unkind thoughts, we need to replace them with kindness.
When we forgive resentment and painful memories, we need to fill our minds with joyful blessings.
When we step away from ugly perceptions and negative nightmares, we let in my happiness.

I release and I let go, I let Peace run my life.When we let go of fighting, arguing and conflicting ideas, we need to find where we agree.
When we let go of needing to be right, we must change our attitude and choose for harmony.
When we let go of petty criticisms and complaints, we need to choose appreciation instead.
When we let go of judgments, prejudices and opinions, we need to choose open-mindedness.

I release and I let go, I let Spirit run my life.When we let go of trying to run our lives based on limiting beliefs, we need to trust in new possibilities.
When we let go of allowing fear to determine our choices, we need to trust in love.
When we let go of believing we know what is best for us, we need to trust in Spirit within.
When we let go of our own limited perceptions, we need to all our inner guidance to prevail.

Dare to ask within:Am I willing to trust there is a better way?
Am I willing to believe in a Higher Power?
Am I willing to forgive the past?
Am I willing to relinquish attack in any form?
Am I willing to give up fighting?
Am I willing to let go of what is unneeded and no longer fits with my life purpose?
Am I willing to stop being unhappy and afraid?
Am I willing to undo the thoughts that are untrue?
Am I willing to believe there can be something better?
Am I willing to love enough to let go?

It is time to release and let go with the choice to Love!
Love trusts.
Love is freeing.
Love forgives.
Love is willing to see things differently!
Loving you and all as it is, 

Betty Lue

“Prayer For A Loved One”
Dear Heart,
I will not worry, fret or be unhappy over you.
I will not be anxious concerning you.
I will not be afraid for you.
I will not give up on you.
I will not blame, criticize or condemn you.
I will remember first, last and always that you are God’s child, that you have His Spirit in you.
I will trust this Spirit to take care of you, to be a light to your path, to provide for your needs.
I will think of you as always being surrounded by God’s loving Presence, enfolded in His protecting care, as kept safe and secure in Him.
I will be patient with you.
I will have confidence in you.
I will stand by you in faith, and bless you in my prayers, knowing that you are growing, knowing that you are finding the help you need, the love you need, the healing you need, the financial freedom you need.
I have only good feelings in my heart about you.
I am willing to let you live your life as you see fit.
Your way may not be my way, but I will trust the Spirit of God in you to show you the way of your highest Good.
God loves you and I love you!
I have confidence in you and I believe in you!!
(author unknown)