Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas is Coming: Are you Ready?

In the midst of darkness, the Light comes.
From the cruelty of the world, Love is born.
In the center of injustice, there is a call for what is Good for All.
From the busy, expensive and materialistic world, is born the quiet, simple gift of God's Love.
For the hopeless, hope is given.
For the bereft and lost, Spirit is revealed so that all may find their way.

The Light lives in you.
The Light is the joy and ecstasy you may feel when you are feeling afully alive and in love.
The Light is the radiance that shines from you when you reach out in givingness to others.
The Light is the quiet mind filled with the inspiration of Spirit.
The Light is the open heart filled with healing wisdom and inspiring guidance.
Christmas is the coming of the Light.
Christmas is the awakening of the Light in you.
Christmas is the rebirth of hope.
Christmas begins in you and me and the light that shines from the natural Love We Are.

What does it take to experience the Love Light in You?
Clear the fear.
Forgive the pain.
Undo the unreal.
Turn away from the temptations.
Give up the addictions.
Stop the insanity.
Choose for the Love.
Seek only the Light.

Loving you in the remembrance of the Love in which and for which we are created.
Betty Lue

Take time daily (5 minutes minimum) to be still with no distraction.
Sit and do nothing.
Listen within.
Write down what you see and hear and feel.
Forgive all your judgments and concerns.
Be open for spiritual guidance and wisdom.
Read what you have received and written.
Appreciate and value everything that comes from Love.

Please join us for Holiday Events in our home.

Solstice Celebration:
"Calling Forth the Light and Delight!"
(For light workers and those committed to live in Love.)
Silence and Sharing, Spiritual Guidance and Respectful Celebration
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 7-9:30PM, Our home in Walnut Creek.
Let me know you are coming please. 800-919-2392 (leave a message)
or Cell 324-2409 for directions.
New Year's Eve Workshop :
“Fun, Food, Forgiveness and Forecasting the Future”
Bring in 2006 with forgiveness, gratitude and responsible choice.
Let go with gratitude, envision with joy and live with love.
Saturday, December 31, 1-5PM, Our Home in Walnut Creek.
Please arrive on time to enjoy the full workshop.
Suggested Contribution $15-$25 or love offering.
Bring your favorite food to share.
Please call to confirm space. 800-919-2392 (leave a message)