I respect my needs and the needs of others.
I love, trust and respect myself.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love trust and respect others.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect me.
What Are Your Basic Needs?
What do our children need?
What do our families need?
What do our partners need?
What does our world need?
When we are giving ourselves what we need, we will be happy, healthy and fulfilled.
Life can be simply fun, safe and easy, when we honor our own needs and the needs of others.
What we “need” is totally different from our “wants”.
People are often taking care of what they want, but neglecting their basic needs.
It is time we return to basics.
It is time to begin at the beginning.
It is time to listen to what is important.
It is time to honor ourselves and others.
Needs are not pleasures.
Needs are not whims.
Needs are not temporary happiness.
Needs are basic and primary to being safe, secure and strong.
We each need to be fed and sheltered and safe.
We each need to be educated and socialized.
We each need to be loved and to belong.
We each need to have something to do.
The priorities for children are not entertainment and toys.
The priorities in families are not chores and doing homework.
The priorities in partnerships are not partying and sexual intimacy.
When the media feeds us with what sells, we often forget and neglect the basics.
In a privileged and affluent nation, we have impoverished ourselves and our children.
When we work to provide temporary pleasures, spending time and money on nonessentials, we make ourselves poor in love, inspiration and healthy living.
We need Love, Love for ourselves, for others and for the bounty all around us.
We need gratitude for those we love and those who love us.
We need to know we are safe and secure, with a bed to sleep in and bills paid.
We need to eat regular meals prepared by someone who cares.
We need relationships that are respectful, reassuring and valuing who we are.
Good living comes from feeling grateful for the people in our lives and showing we love them.
Good living is taking care of our bodies, our clothing, our homes and what we have that serves us.
Good living is reading a book to our kids and tucking them in at night.
Good living is laughing at ourselves and enjoying the fun we have everyday.
Good living is breathing deep the fresh spring air and being grateful to be alive.
Good living is thanking Creator, Source, Universe for the unlimited life we have.
Good living is remembering Who We are and why we are here.
Good living is natural for those who see and trust in the Good that is theirs.
Let us remember to give ourselves and others the basics we need with full appreciation.
Life work when we take care of our needs.
Loving ourselves and each other,
Betty Lue