I learn quickly and easily all I seek to know.
I trust that everything I need to know comes to me with ease and grace.
I am a happy willing learner.
Life is an exquisite teacher of all things for the Greater Good.
Be a Happy Willing Learner!
When we are happy, we learn.
When we are willing, we learn.
When we are open, we learn.
Life is for learning from everything and everyone.
Each relationship is teaching us about ourselves.
Each job, project or endeavor teaches us something.
Each day is an opportunity to learn.
Our life is for learning.
What are you learning?
Are you learning what works for you?
Are you learning what makes you happy?
Are you learning how to love?
Are you learning what helps?
Are you learning what hurts?
Are you learning to forgive?
Are you learning how to correct mistakes?
Are you learning how to achieve?
Are you learning what to give?
Are you learning how to succeed and excel?
Are you learning to get approval?
Are you learning how to seduce and attract?
Are you learning how to win and lose?
Are you learning how to fight to be right?
Are you learning which makes you happy and sad?
Are you learning how to create and enjoy?
Are you learning how to play and not work?
Are you learning how to work and not play?
Are you learning How to master time and energy and resources?
Are you learning what makes you sick and what makes you well?
Are you learning to create an effortless life?
Are you learning to build a strong family and community?
Are you learning how to see things differently?
Are you learning to be more tolerant, patient and trusting?
Are you learning to be more gentle, joyful and faithful?
Are you learning to see, accept and embrace differences?
Are you learning your path to honesty, integrity and respect?
There are infinite ways to learn and unlimited experiences to have.
There is always your happy willingness and open-mindedness from which to enjoy the learning.
Consider how you want to experience life and choose for what is it you want to learn.
Life is for learning and you are the student and guide for your own experience, knowledge and wisdom.
Loving us for our willingness to learn.
Betty Lue