Affirmations: Full moon today at 2:27PM PST
I am new again each day.
I am renewed in Spirit and in Love.
I create a life that blesses me so I can bless others.
I choose wisely and enjoy the choices I make.
Every Day Is New!
Renew your life today.
It is never too late to be new again.
Your life subscription is yours to renew.
You need to subscribe to a new life.
Today is the first day of your life.
Life begins today.
You can choose who to be and what to say.
This is your choice to write a new life script.
So what will it be?
A musical, tragedy or mystery?
What to do you read and watch on TV?
What do you fantasize and imagine your life to be?
Some change their makeup and hair or clothes.
Some change their accent or tone of voice.
Some change their workplace, home or habits.
You can change your attitude, your values and beliefs.
Are you ready to give your self a makeover?
How will you change your lifestyle and health habits?
Will you change your relationships and forgive the past?
Are you ready to undo limiting beliefs and immature behavior?
Is it time to grow up and be responsible?
Is it time to take control over you own thoughts and words?
Is it time to release false learning and begin again?
Choose what is right and true for you.
Change requires practice and persistence.
Change requires forgiving old ways and resistance.
Change invites us to free ourselves and trust.
Change will transform our lives to heal and grow.
Begin with one simple change.
Change what is fun, safe and easy for you.
Let each change show you what is next.
Give it time to settle into place.
You are a gift.
Treat it with care.
Unwrap your true self with kindness.
You deserve the best, so be aware.
Make your whole life work for you.
What is best for you will be a blessing to others.
Loving you,
Betty Lue