I offer my family the best in me.
I give myself a “time-out” when I need to calm myself.
I nourish myself and my family with healthy peaceful meals.
I treat everyone with the kindness, love and respect.
Family Guide
(Ask me for "Qualities of Functional Families")
Do you know how to build a true Healthy Family?
Have you ever experienced what you really want?
Do you know how to demonstrate and teach healthy relationships?
Have you received and given the Love you deserve?
If you have what you want, no need to read this.
If you have not, it is time to learn and earn the love, trust and respect you deserve.
If you know how to parent, partner and participate, you can be happy with all you do.
If you don’t know how to take care of you and those you love, start here to learn.
Safety and security are essential for the functional foundation of family.
This means proper food prepared with love and appreciation.
This means having what you need to eat and drink.
This means having good rejuvenating rest.
Make sure no one is hungry and eats in a calm kind environment.
This means no yelling, clean food prepared on time without eating around the TV.
When people are distracted when eating, they don’t appreciate and enjoy the food.
There needs to be easy conversation, in a family setting with people sharing good feelings.
When people are well fed and well rested, they do better in every way.
Good rest in a quiet clean environment is healthful.
Going to bed early so you can get up without an alarm or need to be awakened.
Having a quiet time before bed with kind words of comfort and appreciation.
Begin with the basics for healthy bodies and happy minds.
Ensure children and adults are treated with care and kindness.
Speak with kindness and respect to one another.
Be helpful and respond to others in loving ways.
There is no need for yelling or demanding where there is mutual respect.
Everyone can learn from adults who are kind and respectful to each other.
Children trust parents who are safe in how they behave and speak.
Children respond to what adults say and do consistently.
Consider giving your self and others time out to calm and center yourself.
Consider speaking the way you want to be spoken to.
Consider teaching by example and learning what is a better way.
Adults lead by example when they behave in a mature safe way.
Regular meals at regular time is important for bodies to thrive.
Regular sleep at regular time is healthy for minds and bodies to rest well.
Calming environment is essential for no anxiety and positive feelings.
Speak clearly and concisely in a quiet environment to be heard.
This is just the beginning of good connection and easy connection with everyone.
We all want to feel safe and secure everyday.
We all want to feel we belong and have kindness form those around us.
Everyone deserves the best at home.
Remember to give your Best to those you Love.
Loving you, everyday in every way.
Betty Lue
Be Respectful.
Be Responsible.
Be Cooperative.
Create a Better World for All.