Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Keep Dreaming!





I love to dream and vision the highest and best for all.

I know everything works together for the Good of all.

I support my vision for humanity with the work I do.

I encourage everyone to believe in themselves and live their dreams.

Keep Your Dreams Alive!

No more “kill joy” thoughts.

No more bursting the “joy” bubble.

No more making kids feel silly about dreaming.

No more saying “No” to what may be possible somehow and some day.

When we hear “no”, we stop hoping.

When we tell others “You must be kidding.”, we are shutting down believing.

When we give up on ourselves, we demonstrate lack of faith and confidence.

Since we live in an unlimited realm, we are not even telling the Highest Truth.

Everything is possible for those who believe.

Nothing is impossible for those who believe.

What is conceived and believed can be achieved.

With faith and hope and Love, all things are possible.

Where two or more are joined, all things are possible.

Let’s be the one who joins the other to believe.

This is what we call “miracles”.

Believers can achieve what they believe….when there is no doubt.

Do not be the doubter.

Do not destroy the hope.

Do not argue with faith.

Do not kill the realization of the dream.

Join with children in their fantasy.

Join with the dreamer in their plans.

Join with the visionary in their desire.

Join with the peacemaker in working for peace.

When you are willing to believe, your whole life will change.

When you ignore worldly limitations, you will see infinite possibilities.

When you undo the “limits” of past science and “facts” of history, you begin to see change.

All things change, when we relinquish our fixed opinions and fears of the unknown.

Give life a chance to unfold miraculously.

Give science a chance to see things differently.

Give people a chance to awaken to loving goodness.

Give yourself a chance to be Who You Really Are.

Loving the mystery of constant evolution for those who believe!!

Betty Lue