Tuesday, October 01, 2024

You Can Change Your Mind!




I easily release what is not helpful, loving and true.

I change my mind with ease and grace.

I celebrate my willingness to undo what is not good for me.

I am strong in believing and creating what is highest and best for all.

Time to Change Your Mind!

Thoughts create.

Your thinking, conscious and unconscious, have created where you are.

Your thinking, positive and negative, have conceived what you have.

Your choices, worldly and spiritual, have given you what you experience.

Is it time for a change?

Begin to affirm what you prefer.

Say it with positive affirmations.

Write it as your positive prescription.

When you say and write what you choose to experience, you will learn to believe it.

What we conceive and believe without doubt, we achieve…sometimes SUPER quickly!

When we actually live without doubting and worrying, we flow into our self-created reality.

When we appreciate our creations with enjoyment, we expand our creative ability.

Changing your mind is fun, safe and easy.

Undoing what was unwanted is fun, safe and easy.

Letting go of doubt, worry and fear is fun, safe and easy.

Creations and mis-creations are merely practicing our use of the mind.

When you do not know what you want, create like a child.

Allow freedom and trust to flow through you with innocence and joy.

Just go for what seems fun and see the outcome without attaching to it.

Notice how quickly you can let go of the past and choose again for the joy of creation.

Life gives us unlimited opportunities to learn from each moment and encounter.

It is our judgment of our creations and experiences that causes us to limit or block the flow.

When we easily forgive and erase our judgments, the flow opens again for unlimited creativity.

We are here to practice the free flowing ability of the mind and our thoughts.

"God is the Mind with which I think.

God is the Love in which I forgive.

God is the strength in which I trust.

There is no journey but to walk with God."  

Lessons from A Course in Miracles.

When I turn my life over to the Highest Good, I am guided in what I think and forgive and trust.

When I let go of limited worldly learning and programmed thinking, I am free.

When I forgive ways I have judged and open to unlimited possibility, I choose again.

When I am strengthened by trusting in the Highest Good for all, I am safe as I play in the world.

Life is play.

I am the natural innocent child.

I believe Love and Joy and Peace are my inheritance.

I let go and live in freedom and in trust.

Loving you in using your mind for Good,

Betty Lue