Thursday, October 03, 2024

Love You First!





I love myself no matter what.

I clear all judgment, criticism and history I hold against myself.

I no longer feel alone and afraid because I am here for me.

I see myself in the Highest Light, Whole, Happy and Free!

Love You First!

Love Begins at Home.

When you can genuinely love you, it is natural to love others.

When you love, cherish and honor yourself, it is safe to love others.

When you support and take impeccable care of yourself, it is easy to support others.

When you give yourself the love you want, you will love others the way they desire.

Love begins at home.

The more we love, respect and trust ourselves, the more we love, trust and respect others.

The more we love, respect and trust ourselves, the more others love, trust and respect us.

The more we love, respect and trust ourselves, the more others love, trust and respect themselves.

The more we love, respect and trust ourselves, the more others love, trust and respect others.

Love comes from the love within us.

Love flows outward as we honor the loving place inside.

Love expands easily and naturally with no effort.

Love grows exponentially because we share our love.

What can you do to love yourself more?

Can you affirm and appreciate your beauty, compassion and helpfulness?

Can you love yourself inside and outside?

Can you look within your own heart and mind and respect what you see and feel?

Where we hold self judgment, we will attract judgments from others.

When we are self judging, we will judge others for the same things.

When we are withholding love from ourselves, we will withhold love, respect and trust from others.

It is essential that we begin to clear our self-judging thoughts and feelings and behavior.

Love yourself well today.

‘Where you judge, forgive and release.

Where you withhold and deny yourself, let go and give kindness and compassion to you.

When you are feeling separate, alone and unloved, look in the mirror and say “I love You.”

We cannot find lasting love until we find it within ourselves.

We cannot give unconditional love until we give it to ourselves.

We cannot be full present for another until we are present for ourselves.

Choose this time to be still and know deep and profound love for YOU.

When you find resistance or obstacles to loving the one you are, it is time for forgiveness.

Begin by writing down what you love in yourself…….and love yourself even more.

Then write what you don’t like about yourself……..and love yourself still more.

Forgive your judgments of yourself because they interfere with your naturally loving Self.

What does it take to love you…..just as you are?

It takes nothing but willingness.

You need not have a reason to love.

You need only to be willing to simply love YOU!

I am loving you, 

Betty Lue