I live the best I know today.
I respect myself for giving the best I have.
My Best is a blessing for me.
I take the time to give myself the very best.
Live Your Best!
When you do your best, you have no guilt.
When you give your best, you feel good.
When you think your best, you feel inspired.
When you live your best, you feel grateful.
Integrity is living what you say to others.
Do you live what you teach?
Are in honest with yourself?
Do you keep your agreements with yourself?
Some find it difficult to honor what they say.
Some say what they want others to hear.
Some change their minds along the way.
Some forget to change their agreements when they change their minds.
How often do you take inventory?
Are you clear that you are living what you believe?
Do you do what is really best for you?
Are you deceiving yourself and others?
Take time to ask yourself what you value.
Are you living your values in everything you think, say and do?
Do you take impeccable care of yourself?
Are you keeping your word and acknowledging when you change your mind?
Do you honor the best in you?
Do you do what you say you will do?
Do you respect your right to change your mind?
Do you realize how much you life depends on you?
Doing our best requires:
Explore and discover what is best for you.
Stay conscious of what changes and choose again.
Support yourself in maintaining your agreements.
Remember what is best for you is best for others.
Your Best inspires others.
Your Best strengthens you.
Your Best is your gift to all.
Your Best is your Gift to You.
Give your Self the Best and you won’t be disappointed.
Your Best will be a blessing to you and everyone.
Appreciating your Best is a Blessing in my life,
Betty Lue
Ten Keys to a Good Life:
Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.
Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.
Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.
Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.
Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.
Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.
Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.
Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.
Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.
Be Good. See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.