Sunday, August 11, 2024

What Makes Life Work




I am awake and aware and create with wisdom and love.

My life works for me, because I do the work.

I create only Goodness, wholeness and Love for All.

I am use my thoughts, words and actions for Goodness Sake,

Life Works!

Life works when we know what we really want.

Life works when we are consistent with affirmations.

Life works when we are respectful, loving and kind.

Life works when we choose what is good for everyone.

Life works when we trust in the voice within (intuition).

Life works when we are clear in our communication.

Life works when we keep our agreements and promises.

Life works when we are responsible for our choices.

Life works when we take impeccable care of our whole selves.

Life works when we know how to love ourselves and others.

Life works when we pay attention to what is needed.

Life works when we are committed to always live our best.

Life works when we recognize our mistakes and correct them.

Life works when we forgive others' mistakes and encourage them.

Life works when we release whatever is cluttering our minds and lives.

Life works when we are free of burdens, worries, resentments and fear.

Life works when we stop criticizing and blaming.

Life works when we eliminate gossip, complaints and drama.

Life works when we relinquish the need for attack or to get even.

Life works when we undo unhappy stories and repeating others’ misery.

Life works when we look for the sunshine and enjoy the rain.

Life works when we wash away our troubles with happy helpfulness.

Life works when we make lemonade from lemons and enjoy cherries without pits.

Life works when we are willing to serve others with joy and gratitude.

Life works when we remember that laughter dissolves fear.

Life works when we realize how blessed we are compared to 99% of world population.

Life works when we use what we have for Good and share the excess with those who need.

Life works when we are loving and giving rather than resentful and selfish.

Life works when we say “Please” and “Thank You”. 

Life works when we tell loved ones “I love and appreciate You.”

Life works when we remember to greet people with a smile and “hello”.

Life works when we recognize our human family with genuine respect.

Life works when we live in homes that feel safe and clean and well-loved.

Life works when we value our jobs, our cars, our family and our whole lives.

Life works when we so something inspiring everyday to keep our spirits up.

Life works when we contribute to good people and good causes and good activities.

Even making one small change will make your whole life work better for you.

You can make your life work better for you!

Love works!

Betty Lue

Create Your Own Success

Know what Success is for you. 

SMART= specific, measureable, attainable, realistic and timely. 

Be open to identify what you have learned from life about success.

Easily and quickly forgive everything that has not worked.

Be kind to yourself and others with your thoughts, words and actions.

Take care of your creations with TLC- your body, money, thoughts, home, creations.

Eliminate all excess in wasting time, energy, money and things.

See how good your life is and appreciate the Love you are given.

Speak, imagine and behave in ways that create success. 

Work diligently on everything that is wise, useful and positive.

Hold the thoughts, words, deeds of Success by being Successful and Giving Success.

Ten Keys to a Good Life: 

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.

Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.

Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.

Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.

Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.

Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.

Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.

Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.

Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.

Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.