Thursday, May 09, 2024

Value Your Gifts!




I use what I have for the Good of All.

I easily share what I have and I have more to share.

I quickly release any withholding.

I say YES to life and life says YES to me.

Value Your Gifts!

Gifts of Time, Energy and ReSources

How do I use my time?

How do I stay in love?

How do I focus my energies?

How do I give my Self?

The gifts I have been given are valuable to me.

The gifts I share are increased as I give them.

The gifts I receive are blessings to be given.

The gifts of life are to be cared for and shared.

Have I been wasteful?

Have I been wanting?

Have I given enough?

Have I sacrificed?

Every one of us is given unlimited gifts.

When they are cared for, they increase.

When they are neglected, they decrease.

When they are shared, they are blessings.

As I give what I have, I have more to give.

As I enjoy what I give, I am blessed in the giving.

As I am grateful for the giving and receiving, I am prospered.

All that is given, is a Gift to my Self.

When I value the gifts I have, I have more.

When I share the gifts I have, I have more.

When I receive the gifts I give, I have more.

When I utilize the gifts I have and give, I am blessed with true Prosperity.

I use my time well for good thoughts, words and deeds.

I use my energy well to share the best I have.

I use my resources well to benefit and bless others.

What I use well, I always have more than enough.

The key to “enough” is to use what we have well.

The key to abundance is to share what we have well.

The key to prosperity is to give what we have well.

The key to fulfillment is to receive it all with gratitude.

Sometimes I check in with myself to see how I am living, loving and giving.

When I see I am happy, healthy, prospered and fulfilled, I know I am doing well.

I love each one, including me, as I am called, moment by moment, and I feel blessed.

Each blessing is a gift I give, I receive, and I share.

This life is very, very Good!

I value everything I have been given. 

I love sharing all the good with you.

Betty Lue