Friday, March 08, 2024

Communication Requires Connection!




I listen to myself and learn to always return to Love.

I hear my heart and mind wanting only peace.

I honor the calling to join everyone with compassion.

I trust myself to find a creative solution where everyone wins.

When No One Listens…

When no one listens, listen to yourself.

When no one cares, care for yourself.

When no one is present, be present for yourself.

When no one is happy, be happy with yourself.

On the inner, everyone is listening.

The heart of everyone cares.

The Universe is present.

Everyone wants what you want.

Begin with you.

Be the one who listen and cares.

Be fully present for others.

Be happy and good to yourself and others.

When people don’t listen, they often don’t want to hear what is being said.

When people don’t listen, they may not feel the speaker cares.

When people don’t listen, they may be distracted or absent to themselves.

When people don’t listen, they may be unhappy, upset, angry or resentful.

In order to communicate, one person must be present, listening and caring.

One person must be fully clear, attentive and at peace within.

When one person is listening with attention and care, they can respond to the immediate needs of the others.

Be still and know what is needed and wanted to demonstrate safety and a desire for connection.

How do we communicate with those who don’t like our personality or voice or feelings?

How do we talk with those who walk away, shut down, resist and resent?

How do we reach harmony, mutual respect and trust one another?

Create peace and harmony, respect and trust within for ourselves.

Come to peace within.

Ask yourself: “What Can I Do?”

Write down what you hear.

Clear the ego and personality talk.

Hear the guidance of Spirit, Love and Inspiration.

There is always inner guidance to forgive ourselves for being hurt, offended, resentful or upset.

There is always conscience telling us to be kind and respectful, forgiving and compassionate.

There is always a desire to find a solution where everyone wins and no one loses.

There is always a way to let go and return to Love.

Learning everyday with every relationship and every situation.

Loving as I learn, 

Betty Lue

“Give yourself to Love.

And Love will give to you.

Live your life with Trust.

And Trust will see you through.”