Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thanks Giving!




I contribute the best I have.

I trust in the benefit of being grateful.

I know gratitude returns more that I can give.

I give all to have all and give even more.

Give Thanks!

Remember to be grateful.

Remember to give thanks.

Remember to share your appreciation.

Remember to show your love.

When you want to feel better, give thanks.

When you want to feel happy, be grateful.

When you want to feel fulfilled, give your gratitude.

Start the season of thanksgiving with really feeling grateful.

Even when life is imperfect, seek what is good.

Even when you don't feel bountiful, appreciate what you have.

Even when you are not in a good mood, step up to be thankful.

Even when you are not filled with good feelings, show your appreciation.

The act of extending your gratitude will open your mind to feeling more full.

The art of saying “thank you” even for simply favors will bring more to you.

The willingness to share your heartfelt gratitude will  open the flow of goodness.

The kindness you offer today will increase the gratitude you feel tomorrow.

It is the small things that count.

It is what you give that matters.

It is the intention of your thoughts.

It is the love you feel when you care.

Contribute what feels good to you.

Share a hug, a kind word, a genuine smile.

Give your best and let go of what isn’t good.

Honestly make someone happy with your gratitude.

Life is often seen as trying to “get”.

People stop sharing, when they don't care. 

When we quit giving, living seems lacking.

When we are trying to “get”, the giver is depleted.

Make sure you are giving love and gratitude everyday to someone.

Start with the one who is first in your life….especially YOU.

Be aware of where you are genuinely giving positive attention.

Open the flow of goodness by giving somewhere to someone.

Gratitude works.

Thanksgiving creates more thanks.

Give the best you have and have even more.

Appreciating you for your generosity and love.

Betty Lue