Tuesday, October 24, 2023

What Are You Doing With Today?




I choose the high way with trust and freedom.

I honor myself and others in my everyday interaction.

I live and love in the ways that I want to teach and learn.

I give my best in all circumstances and relationships.

What are you doing with today?

Are you getting up with a good attitude?

Are you looking forward to this day?

Do you realize it is yours to choose or lose?

Many people let the day “happen to them.”

Most think they are “victims” of their experience.

However, what you feel is yours to choose.

You alone can make the difference in your own life.

No one need allow others to determine their attitude.

Our life training is in “reframing” what seems to be our experience.

You can choose all things for good or bad.

You can take everything personally or choose your own “take”.

We are free to set ourselves free .

We have the choice to determine our perception.

We can change our thoughts and words and feelings.

We are able to clear our judgments and change our attitude.  

Set you day on the right track.

Choose how you want to be.

Decide the goal or outcome.

Determine what feeling you prefer.

We are able to change our mind.

We can choose the thoughts we think.

We can drop a negative attitude.

We can treat ourselves with respect.

How we relate to others is determined by our attitude toward ourselves.

We can start our day with kindness, gratitude and helpfulness.

We can use every interaction to share positive feelings.

We can stop all negativity and arguments with silence.

Picture what you want.

Respond with kindness.

Be willing to listen with respect.

Open to being helpful rather than hurtful.

Remember that you are leading the way.

Understand that others may not be aware.

Open to being kind and forgiving no matter what.

Trust yourself in choosing the highest way to live.

Live in integrity with your highest values.

Trust your Self.

Betty Lue