Monday, August 14, 2023

Remember When?





I love my life when I see its value for me.

I see it all differently when I drop my regret and judgment.

I forgive and release the past, so I can live and give in the present.

I learn lessons in all things and from everyone.

Remember the Good Memories!

I remember my childhood in Michigan and much later our Reunion Center in Kalamazoo.

The second weekend in August is the annual  Dickerson family retreat where 100+ gather.

We celebrate with everyone helping with meals, playing games, swimming and sharing.

Everyone with differing lifestyles and beliefs, but all sharing love, respect, and good stories.

I love Michigan humid breezes off the lake, yummy sweet corn, blueberries and homemade pies.

I learned a deeper meaning for Real family, “One for all and all for one." in my childhood.

I remember Reunion teaching hundreds of healing practitioners, plus counseling interns the last 45 yrs.

I remember the 30+ non profit holistic healing/counseling and ministry centers and churches in five states.

Asheville NC, Bozeman MT,  Bloomington IN, Kalamazoo MI, Pleasant Hill CA and Middletown CA.

Over two thousand workshops and retreats all over the country and Hawaii have been offered.

We seemed to come together to heal, learn, serve and enjoy in an inspired and effortless way. 

We were called together to teach and learn from one another, to grow and be of service.

My non-profit Reunion is the model for "Reconnecting with Self, Source and others."

What do you remember?

What were your best times?

What brings out the happy nostalgia in you?

What were your favorite foods and games and friendships?

Memories are meant to inspire and celebrate.

Remembering is the way we review all that we have done.

Memories help us find missing pieces, especially with others.

Remembering brings latent learning and the opportunity to express gratitude.

Often people remember what went wrong.

Consider turning it around and see the gifts it brought you.

Look deeply and see things differently, especially when you forgive with love.

Remembering can be the scavenger hunt to find the beautiful and good stuff.

Let's notice what we value in our relationships.

Become aware of what your energy brings to each situation.

Enjoy forgiving and healing the past, and seeing all things differently.

Use your memories to give thanks for all the good,

Memories can be melancholic or inspirational.

They stay with us to heal something or to receive the blessings.

We can always look for the sun behind the clouds.

We can seek the mysterious healing lessons in what did not see.

As we mature, we can see the experience in a new light.

Pain disappears when we stop withholding love and keeping secrets.

When seek the highlights, we begin to see what was always there.

There is learning and healing, growth and discovery, development of our character and values.

Always seek the benefits of what is remembered.

Use the memories to return to what you value.

Take time to once again savor the good and wash away the hurt.

Now is your time to see it all truly with appreciation.

Blessings of all Good,

Betty Lue