Everyone deserves respect.
Your behavior teaches others by your example!
I listen to my heart and do what is right.
I trust my inner guidance to give what is fair and just.
I respect my fellow human beings and treat them well.
I forgive us all for being disrespectful to others.
Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated.
Talk to others as you want to be talked with.
Teach others as you want to be taught.
Appreciate others as you want to be appreciated.
Give to others as you want to be given to.
Children need to be treated with love and respect.
Children need to be listened to and responded to with kindness.
Children need to be taught with the same respect as adults.
Children need to be given to as you would want to be given to.
Our elders need the same respect as we do.
Elders need to be listened to and talked with the same as all else.
Sometimes we need to learn how to be respectful and kind.
If we have not learned as a child, we may not understand how to be our best.
All people, no matter what age, color, religion and background, need respect.
Prejudices show up in odd ways due to how we are taught, what we see and hear and how we feel.
It is essential that we learn the simple ethics of good will toward everyone, no matter what.
Yes, everyone is different and everyone deserves our very best in how we speak and behave.
When we treat everyone well, they learn to think well of themselves and of others.
When we talk to one another with kindness, everyone feels and hears our love and respect.
When we behave in ways that are respectful of ourselves and others, we heal and grow in self respect.
When we unlearn our prejudices, we unlearn our fears and become clear expressions of Love.
This is how everyone learns from one another.
It is not natural to fear or hate or judge.
It is natural to love and let go of the past.
It is healing and healthy to treat others as we want to be treated.
Fear begets more fear.
Respect creates more respect.
Kindness and generosity create more of the same.
If we want more good, why not simply give more Good?!!
We can end the fear, prejudice and ignorance, simply by always being our best.
We can educate ourselves, forgive ourselves and free ourselves from fear and hatred.
We each can do our part to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Let us learn from history to unlearn and undo what causes us to hurt one another.
It is time to begin again to clear the fear and remember to Love.
Highly Recommended: Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Jerry Jampolsky.
I am Loving you and all,
Betty Lue