I forgive any and all mistakes and misunderstandings.
I choose to stop making assumptions, explanations and justifications.
I take full responsibility for all past, present and future choices I make.
I honor myself for speaking and living my truth.
I am open and willing to choose and change for the Good of All.
Where Are We Now?
Are We Ready for a Change?
To know where to go next, we must know where we are.
To know how to be guided to our destination, we need to have our bearings.
To understand what coarse corrections may be needed, we must see how we got here.
When we are blaming others, we must be responsible for change.
When we are feeling victimized, we must take the reins of our destiny.
When we are distrusting our own abilities, we must forgive our mistakes.
When we are uncertain of the future, we must consistently listen within.
Have we learned from the past?
Do we know we are repeating old unconscious patterns?
Do we see how our shared stories, fairy tales and history create more of the same?
When will we claim responsibility to clear the old and write a new script for humanity?
I am ready to do my part and make new choices.
I am willing to step forward and claim I am responsible.
I know I am able to respond with my conscience and consciousness.
I know right from wrong, good from bad, and can choose a new voice for freedom of choice.
No one makes us do what we do.
We are together in this time and space to choose for ourselves.
We can pretend but we must make amends and forgive ourselves.
We are able to respond with love and release fear, respond with truth and stop pretending.
When we have forgiven, the fog will clear and illusions will be gone.
When we stand together, the woods will not block the sunlight.
When we remember what we have created, we easily can choose again.
When we hold the truth above pretense, we reveal all we need to heal.
Let us step up into a new dawn, a new year, a new reality.
Let us awaken and choose again for what we truly desire.
Let us stop wishing and create what is, with full responsibility.
Let us recognize the karma of our own unconsciousness and release ourselves to be here now.
All Is Forgiven.
Love Is Real.
We Are At Choice.
Life Is Our Revelation.
Trusting and Freeing YOU!
Betty Lue
Make New Choices:
1. Let go of all that does not serve you.
2. Believe You can have your desires.
3. Focus only on what you truly want.
4. Associate with people who trust in You.