We are Gifts of Love.
My Love is given and received through me and all I say and do.
I am grateful and joyous to give the gifts I have.
I listen within and give for the Highest Good of everyone.
The Real Gift is the Love with which you give.
The Real Gift is sharing the Gift of your Self.
The Real Gift is the Love that comes back to you.
The Real Give is the Joy within each Gift of Love.
When you give, everyone is blessed, including you.
In truly giving, we lose nothing.
In real giving, we gain even more to give.
In freely giving, our gifts multiply.
On this Christmas, you are given new life.
On this holy day, you are set free from your past.
On this time of renewal, receive the Gift of unconditional Love.
Whether you believe in the story or not, you are Loved.
Sometimes we exclude those who do not believe.
Sometimes we forget to include all humanity.
Sometimes we ignore those who are lacking or limited.
Sometimes we neglect those who are ignorant, afraid and unaware.
This is the time of Light in the world’s darkness.
This is our time to reach those who are sleeping.
This is our opportunity to give where there is lack.
This is our awakening to choose everyone in our family of Love.
Let us give to one and all.
Let us include those who are forgotten.
Let us lift up those who have fallen and are alone.
Let us value every child for their birth.
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent the Love that sent me.
I need not worry about what to say or do, because Love that sent me always directs me.
I am content to be where Love wishes, knowing Love goes with me
I will be healed, as I let Love teach me to heal. ACIM Text
(I will remember my Holiness when I let Love teach me to see only Holiness,)
What Joy to go to shut-ins and those forgotten on Christmas Day and every day.
What gratitude I have for the caregivers and those who care for the lost, weary, sick and alone.
What a privilege to be open and willing to give all I have for what benefits humanity.
Right where we live, we can remember the call to Love One and All.
Many teach us by Remembering and Living, so the Light of Christ is born again in us.
Let us remember to celebrate ourselves and those around us with every act of Loving Kindness.
I celebrate You for Who You Are and All You Do.
Betty Lue
May your Holidays be filled with the Light of Joy and Love of Peace.
We are all richly blessed and prospered by our Love.
Love prevails, because Only Love Is Real.