Friday, July 09, 2021

Don’t Quit on Yourself!


I choose what is best for me.

I live my life true to me purpose, path and principles.

I honor myself by serving my whole self.

I learn from everyone and everything.

Are You Ready to Quit?

Before you end your job, your relationship, your life as you know it, complete what you started.

Honor your self with closure and completion.

Before you step away from a relationship, an institution, a friendship or project, say what you mean.

Honor your investment and see what you have learned and invested.

Before you walk away with regret or sorrow, be true to yourself and your values.

Assess what were the regrets and mistakes made and the lessons not learned.

Sometimes we stay too long and try too hard.

Sometimes we leave too soon and never learn.

Before you quit on your commitment, give yourself the opportunity to teach and learn.

Before you move away, clean up the messes to be willing to give and receive what was not done.

Change is the opportunity to forgive and heal it all.

Transformation is the gift we receive when we give our all.

Honorable closure included communicating the learning, regrets, challenges and appreciation.

Start by writing your letters describing what was your experience.

Give yourself the opportunity to say it all to those who would listen.

Take responsibility for what you think and feel, need and want.

Life offers lessons.

Lessons are for us to learn about ourselves.

When we learn who we are, we can choose what is good for us.

When we choose what is good for us, we are happy and fulfilled.

There is no need to change another.

We are here to be able to respond to our own needs and wants.

We can learn in relationship what works for us.

We can choose what is good for us and let go of what is not good.

It is not the person or project, the agreement or investment, that needs to be honored.

We are here to learn how to honor ourselves.

We are to awaken to what is our purpose, our values, our gifts and talents.

We are here to honor our authentic selves. 

When we serve others to change them or the circumstances, we lose our way.

When we live according to someone else’s demands or needs, we forget ourselves.

When we stop being the Love we are, we forsake our Calling and our Joy.

When we stay where we are not wanted, we believe we should do more.

What if we are just right the way we are.

What if we need to be true to ourselves.

What if we can create the best situation for us.

What if we must love, respect and trust ourselves.

Loving us all in honoring ourselves. 

Betty Lue