Thursday, December 31, 2020

Completing 2020


I always complete every relationship and project well.

I learn from everyone and everything.

I forgive the past quickly and easily.

I choose to begin each day with a clean slate.

Honorable Closure 

When ending the year 2020, it is valuable to end on a positive note.

Endings often portend beginnings.

It is helpful and healthful to end well.

Choose to forgive judgments and end with blessings.

I complete every project with honorable closure.

What is left set aside is put away with a completion timeline.

I finish what I start with a sense of gratitude and fulfillment.

The energy of each day carries over to the next day.

When I finish a meal, the kitchen is left clear for the next meal.

When I finish the day, the house is left orderly for the next day.

When I leave my computer, I leave it ready for the next communication.

When I do the laundry, I put everything away folded and hung in the closet.

The more we finish what we start, the more mental, physical and inspired energy we have.

It is valuable to feel a sense of completion and “Job well done.”

It is valuable to demonstrate and teach our families how to maintain enthusiasm for work.

A key ingredient is to be pleased with all the work we do by ending well.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year depends on completing 2020 with honorable closure.

Take time to do the process below:

What I learned from 2020:

What I regret in 2020:

The challenges I experienced in 2020:

What I appreciate and value in 2020:

When you have the feeling of satisfaction, you are complete.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Often people write out what they want to let go of and then burn it or throw it away.

Many people have a New Year’s Eve ritual called “Burning Bowl”.

Some choose to release with meditation, song and other forms or release.

Release the old and open to a new mind, new heart and new choices for 2021.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”