Sunday, October 11, 2020

What Now?


I am open and willing to be present and helpful.

I listen within and respond with love to all things.

I trust that I am guided to do what is for the Good of all.

I send messages of constant calming love and healing.

Wild Fires, Hurricanes, Floods, Deadly Virus, Unemployment, Politics, Racism, Around Us.

What do you do when there are natural and unnatural disasters?

What do you do without internet and cell service?

What do you do when you “shelter in place”?

How do you handle disasters?

Keep calm.

Stay aware.

Be open.

Think positive.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

How do you handle when you and others are in need?

Where do you go when you must sit tight and wait?

What do you think to respond with love?

Prayer is for the purpose of affirming what is right and good.

Prayer is to forgive our fear and retain our faith.

When we are allowing fear to rule, we lose our mind.

When we focus on the highest and best outcome, we remain open-minded.

Twice this year we have been evacuated due to wild fires, but we are safe.

We drive through many of these places both going and coming from our centers.

We are familiar with wild fires because of  9/12/15 wildfires right here in Lake County.

We are once again experiencing the fires here in the Wine Country north of San Francisco.

But what about people who have no home, no money for food, no place to go and no one to care.

I know how important it is to connect, to talk and have someone listen, to be present and to care.

With inner connection, it seems essential to stay at peace and send prayers of trust.

Yes, trust all will be well and maintain your peace of mind.

The time is now for us all to trust and maintain our inner peace.

When we are calm, we think clearly.

When we are aware, we can choose to be open and positive.

When we are open and positive, we can be truly helpful.

All of us have need to handle and minimize our fear.

We live in a society of crises and disasters.

Our media promotes intense drama and trauma.

We seem to be attracted, and even addicted to intensity.

Our work as a culture is to promote inner and outer peace.

We need to slow our reactivity and promote responding with love.

Each one of us can unlearn following tragedy and learn to bring calm.

We all have a choice to choose for what we want rather than focus on our fear.

Choose for peace, love and being truly helpful.

Loving you and me and all, 

Betty Lue

It is most important to learn to self soothe, to calm yourself with deep and slow breathing.

It is also essential that you think about what is good and what you value and enjoy.

And of course, always send love and blessings to those in need for your caring matters.