Saturday, October 17, 2020

What Do You Expect?


The more positive I am, the better life flows.

The more I expect the best, the more I experience Goodness.

The more I forgive my negative expectations, the more happy I am.

I expect the best and forgive the rest.

What Do You Expect?

What you expect, you look for.

What you expect, you encourage.

What you expect, is what you create.

What you expect, will be your reward.

Expect miracles?

Expect disaster?

Expect the worst or the best?

Expect what you don’t want or you do want?

Which way is best for you?

Do you know what you expect will be what you prepare for?

Are you aware that your mind wants to be right?

Do you understand where you look for good, you tend to find it?

Interesting to contemplate your choices. 

Consider where you have learned to have a negative or positive attitude.

Look for what you want and you will find it.

F-E-A-R = False Expectations Appearing Real

Do you look for what you want or prepare for what you don’t want?

Do you seek out explanations and justification for failure or success?

Have you prepared for the life’s problems and challenges?

Are you aware of how much of you is already expecting things to not work?

Is it time you change your mind?

You are the master of your intention.

You can continually seek for Goodness sake.

You can plan for a future of health and positive outcomes.

It is time that we recognize our mind is ours to control.

We are the ones choosing what will be our outcome.

We can turn our lives over to aligning with Good.

We can forgive and clear away our disappointments. 

Why not expect the best?

Why not plan for positive outcomes?

Why not encourage the best for you and others?

Why not make the most of what you have and do?

Life is ours to listen within and allow the Good to flow.

We can effect change with our choices and our voice.

We can trust all things will work together for good.

We can appreciate the opportunities to live in Love.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue