I enjoy cleaning and clearing my space.
I make room for more goodness, joy and prosperity when I clean.
My mind and body function with more ease and energy in clean places.
Completions and conversations are easier in calm, harmonious space.
Cleaning Reminders
When you need to move, clean.
When you have a problem, clean.
When you are forgetful, clean.
When you get confused, clean.
Cleaning is a joy when you have the right attitude.
Children can enjoy picking up, when they have grateful parents.
Adults can change their mind, when they “hate” to clean.
All of society can learn to simplify their lives with cleaning.
Consider cleaning up after every meal.
Consider cleaning up before you go to bed.
Consider cleaning up before school and work.
Consider doing a thorough cleaning weekly, monthly or even annually.
Consider yard sales, charitable contribution, calling in “We Got Junk” to take it away.
You have the right to demonstrate to family, friends and neighbors how you live.
You will discover the cleaner your bedroom is, the better you sleep.
You will learn that children love to copy their parents.
I never learned not to love cleaning.
I love how things feel and look when clean.
I could feel how good it is to start with a clean kitchen or desk.
I experienced that everyone keeps my space clean when I do.
As a child, we had minimal things but always what we needed.
I did not compare with others but saw us as happy and well off.
While the money was little, there were always hand-me-downs.
I enjoy cleaning and polishing and sorting with full appreciation.
In Feng Shui, they teach that we are only to have as much as we care for well.
They teach to stop hoarding what is not used and functional for your well-being.
They teach that what you own, owns a piece of your energy and defines you.
Therefore, it is essential that you conscientiously choose only what is beneficial to you.
Observe how much better you feel and think when your spaces are clean.
Experience how much more you can accomplish when your space is in order.
Feel the energy in you is drained by what is incomplete, messy or unnecessary.
Begin to clean and clear one space, even one drawer, at a time.
You will see how free you feel when you live simply.
You will appreciate how good you feel when your life is in order.
You will think with more creativity, when you have open time and space.
You will begin to fully understand what works for you.
Clean up your life inside as well!
The more organization you have, the better you think.
The more space you have, the better you create.
The more clean your life is, the better your health.
Encouraging your whole life health, in every way.
Betty Lue