The more I appreciate myself, the more I appreciate others and my whole life.
I forgive any ways I have neglected or forgotten to value my self.
I open my heart to fully giving and receiving the Goodness and Love in me.
I expand my awareness and gratitude for all the Good I have.
Remember to Appreciate You!
Love is the way we live in Gratitude.
When we appreciate, we feel Love.
When we Love, we always feel gratitude.
When we remember to appreciate what we have, we have more to appreciate.
Consider how many ways we can love.
Love the ones you are with by appreciating.
Show them love.
Share your gratitude.
Consider how many ways we can improve our own lives.
Appreciate what you have.
Care for what you value.
Remember to be grateful for the ways and means you have.
Consider how you can value your Self.
Appreciate what you learn.
Show respect for what you do.
Reward yourself with really loving You.
Consider how you love the life you have.
Take time to take care of your whole life.
Be grateful when you pay bills and for services you receive.
Give generously by using the time, money and resources consciously.
Consider giving thanks for the Source of all Good.
Honor and remember your ancestors.
Give gratitude for the Goodness and Beauty in your life.
Pay attention to the education, health services, support and resources you have available.
Remember that affirmative thinking is a key resource for you to use.
Realize that all the inspiration and information you access is free to you.
Recognize that you have attracted Goodness to you because of your Goodness.
Reunite with those ideas and people who are the inspiration for your life.
All you think and do and say and have is your loving reminder to be grateful.
You are your own living loving reminder given to you daily so you will appreciate you!
Everything that is ours comes through us and from us as our Gratitude Reminder.
So, let us remember to appreciate all we are.
Loving you now and always,
Betty Lue