I forgive myself for all negative projections.
I am filled with light and live in delight.
My words and behavior reflect my inner peace.
I quickly release and delete all that is not Love.
The Outer Reflects the Inner!
What you see outside you reflects what is within.
When we try endlessly to clean up the outer, we miss the essential cause.
When we work to undo what we see and continue to believe it is real, it will always reoccur.
When we clear up our own mind, our thoughts and words and deeds, we clear up our life.
When we believe something or someone else is the cause, we miss the mark.
When we forget we ourselves hold the key to the mystery of our experience, we can choose to change within.
When we remember that thoughts and words create, we change our lives one word and one thought at a time.
Life experiences show us clearly what we need to undo and delete to not repeat.
We learn to project our errors onto others.
We make up excuses and justifications for our own mistaken choices.
We blame others for what we find lacking and limited in ourselves.
We neglect to do our own inventory and do our own work.
The “blame game” happens in families and couples, in workplaces and at school.
All gossip is a projection of what is an inner flaw or fixed position of judgment in ourselves.
We claim ignorance and innocence of what we experience, not recognizing it is an inner reflection.
So, when we apologize with “I am sorry. Please forgive me.”, we are telling the truth on ourselves.
Children learn to accept parent/teacher judgments of them.
They often live out or rebel against our projections onto them.
The same is true of partners and parents and friends.
People tend to question and/or believe what others say about them.
This is projection.
This is bullying.
This is how gossip works.
This is what creates hurtful and disempowering relationships.
To clean up our thoughts and words, we need to focus on our own lives.
We need to learn to stop bullying, criticizing and judging ourselves.
We must clarify our own responsibility in our life experiences.
We can make the change from within with much more ease and success.
The focus on outer work, may seem endless until we clean our own behavior.
We can learn our lessons as we watch the world around us with forgiveness and respect.
We can literally clean up all our relationships, one at a time, with true apology and appreciation.
We can choose thoughts and words and behaviors that reflect what we want to see and be.
When our house is clean, we be truly helpful to others.
When our lives are in order, we can be of service to others.
When our vision is clear, we can inspire others to clarify their own vision.
When we are at peace, we naturally bring peace to those around us.
Use forgiveness as the natural cleanser of all negative thoughts and feelings.
Use forgiveness to delete harmful words and behavior.
Use forgiveness to erase what is not wholly true and loving.
Use forgiveness to undo everything you do not want to be true.
Let us take responsibility to clean up our own lives first.
Blessings of gratitude as we each do our own work!
Betty Lue