I listen within to the love and spirit that lives within me.
I trust myself and free myself to choose with wisdom and courage.
I know myself and honor what is right for me.
I guide my own life and learn from the experiences.
Are You Controlled or Guided?
Are you listening to others or to yourself?
Are you controlled by addictions or attachments?
Are you trying to please or fix or get approval?
Who or what seems to make the decisions for you?
Do you get opinions and feedback from others?
Are you trusting someone else more than you?
Do you listen and get confused?
Do you feel pushed, and demanded by others?
Sometimes we need to learn to listen to our own voice.
Sometimes we get confused and conflicted by others.
Sometimes we become dependent on parents and partners.
Sometimes we don’t know how to trust ourselves.
What controls you?
What do you fear most?
What is the condition you must always consider?
Addictions and attachments often become the master of our choices.
Does money or fear of lack of security control you?
Do your addictions to smoking, drugs, tv shows or fears run your life?
Are you attached to what will happen or who will care if you make the “wrong” choice?
Do you feel controlled by limiting habits or past choices?
Are you free to make your own choices?
Do you inquire within to ascertain what is best for you?
Are you open and willing to seek what is truly right for you?
Are you guided by your purpose, principles and process?
People may offer suggestions, advice or guidance.
You may listen to others opinions.
You may admire others’ life choices.
Your question should always be: “What Works for Me?”
So listen to what guides and provides for your life.
Turn your life over to what you trust.
Give your choices to what is good for you.
Notice what you allow to distract, delay and detour you.
Be aware of what inspires and sustains your consciousness and life energy.
You have the right and responsibility to choose what guides and provides for your life.
You can choose to listen within to what is in your own heart and mine.
What has heart and meaning for you?
Are you living true to your authentic self?
Find your own path of health, happiness, integrity and fulfillment.
Betty Lue
Your primary job is to be kind and feel good.
When you do your job, everyone around you benefits.