Sunday, March 01, 2020

Where Is The Love?

I release and let go.
I let Love lead my life.
I forgive all that is not Good for All.
I lift my thoughts, words and actions to the Highest level.

Time to Remember Love No Matter What

Where Has Love Gone?
What is missing?
What happened to civility and respect?
What have we done with Light and Love?
Are we lost in pretending or in judgment?

Is it possible we don’t remember how to be grateful and happy?
Are we ignoring the basic rules of etiquette?
Do we know how to take care of our children and elders and family?
Can we wake up to unconditional love with true forgiveness?

With worldwide media access comes total freedom of speech and behavior.
With minimal demonstration of values, ethics, and mores, society loses it dignity and respect.
With dysfunctional families and organizations comes free-for-all.
Are we aware of how to think, speak and act with Love and Peace?

When we no longer have an awareness of basic human rights and responsibilities, there is denigration.
Are you treating others the way you want to be treated?
Are you living your highest and best with what you think, say and do?
Are you aware of what you are teaching with how you live and give ?

Do you remember how to Love unconditionally?
Do you know how to forgive and teach a better way?
Do you trust your heart to guide you to the highest truth?
Are you aware of how to treat children with respect and kindness?
Do you feel confident, capable and conscientious when you interact?
Are you living in alignment with your own principles and values?
Do you appreciate the difference you make in your family, community and workplace?
Are you pleased with the choices you make in how you use your time, money, energy and resources?

What will it take for you to be the person you really want to be?
This is your choice to make and live daily.
I value and appreciate your willingness to live your life with Love!
Loving you, 
Betty Lue