Life is totally responsive to me.
I receive as I have given.
To Have All I Give All To All.
I freely give the best I know within me.
What You Want To Get!
your best and enjoy the best outcomes.
Ingest the best and
forget the rest.
Seek the best in you
and share it wherever you go.
Live the highest
truth you know and appreciate it.
What can you do to turn around the world you see?
How can you see
things differently in the best light?
What can you say
to make others respond with love?
How can you know
what is best for you is best for others?
is for giving and you are the Gift you give.
Life is for loving
and you are the Love you share.
Life is for learning
and you are teaching what you want to learn.
Life is for enjoying
and you are the joy you bring to every moment.
you don’t like name-calling, stop calling yourself and others names.
If you don’t like
arguing and conflict, stop arguing and trying to be right.
If you don’t like
anger, stop acting and speaking with anger.
You can begin to be
the one who makes the difference.
you like peace and harmony, be peaceful.
If you like
happiness, choose to be happy.
If you want positive
relationship, make positive connections.
You can be the
change you want to see.
this sounds to easy, learn to manage your emotional state.
If this seems to
good to be true, learn to be good to you.
If this is making it
all simple, try it out and see how simply it works.
If you are open and
willing, this is a great way to begin.
step at a time, you will see the results.
One relationship at
a time, you will get the outcome you want.
The best begets the
And you will learn to
be patient and appreciate your own “givingness”.
are here to learn from what we give.
We receive what we
give with our thoughts, words and actions.
We get a direct
reflection of our own consciousness and unconscious.
We learn what have
given and receive in like kind the thoughts we hold in mind.
you want more, give more of the same.
If you want more
love and joy ad peace, give them generously.
If you desire more,
share what you desire.
Life is like a
fountain of giving and receiving fully and freely.
abundant flow is given unto us to use always for Goodness Sake.
Loving you,
Betty Lue