Life is fun, safe and easy when I listen within.
I take impeccable care of my whole self.
I trust, respect and appreciate myself and my relationships.
I ask for and receive wise answers from my authentic self.
for Natural Healing Mind, Body and Spirit
whole self includes all of us.
The thoughts,
feelings, activities and relationships we have, all affect our health.
Everything affects
everything else.
We can effect change
in our health by improving, healing and changing just one aspect of Self.
create emotions and emotions beget thoughts.
Thoughts and
emotions affect physiology and body sensations generate thoughts and feelings.
Our money, job,
environment media, others thoughts and feelings all interact.
Everything affects
are so much more than we yet know, because we are part of the greater whole.
To isolate and
simply designate one piece as our truth and reality limits our greater
Be respectful of
what all of you needs and calls for attention.
Be responsive to the
call for love by taking a moment to ask and listen with wisdom and love.
we hear an upset, a fear or pain, it is always a call for attention.
Listen to me and
When we see or hear
or feel an upset in others, in finances or the environment, it is a call for
How can you listen
and be able to respond with love to all that shows up in your life.
up, Pay attention. Respond with the Highest Truth,Trust and Detach from the
What does my
emotional self need right now?
What does my body
need right now?
What does my
partner need right now?
can we respond to all the needs we see and hear and feel?
Begin within you.
Quiet your own mind
and listen within.
Write down what you
hear and follow through by giving to you.
appears to be complex, busy, overwhelming and full of ego desires and answers.
People feel
victimized and at the effect of other people and situations.
Trying to control
analyze and ask why it is what it is, may lead us around in circles.
Asking What
Can I Do? will begin to give the authority back to you.
care of you.
Listen to you.
Appreciate you.
Love you well.
Betty Lue
Ingest the best
and forget the rest. Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which
supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.
Life is flow. To
move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural
inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.
To breathe in
(inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our
awareness to open to an enlightened mind. To exhale fully is to truly
release what is no longer needed.
Reaching out with
Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the
gentleness we all deserve to experience.
Choose for those
thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness.
Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.
Carry with you an
attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others. Allow yourself to
see all things work together for good.
Moderation in all
things will bring your life into harmony. As we give ourselves what is
really best for us, the extremes are gently released.
What you perceive
in others and the world you strengthen in your Self. Focus on illness,
disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself. See only health and
wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.
To clear out
toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic
thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system.
Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement
and forgiveness.
To rest and relax
your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each
person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature,
focused simple activity.