Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Feeling Good!

I feel good now and always.
I choose to feel good.
I forgive myself for feeling bad.
I love, honor and trust myself to feel Good.

 Are You Feeling Good?

Feeling Good is Cause not Effect.
Feeling Good is Choice not a symptom.
Feeling Good is Loving myself.
Feeling Good is a Lifetime Gift.

When I say: “How am I feeling?” or “How are you doing today?”
I engage the part of my mind, that searches for the possibility that we may not feeling Good.
The minute I ask myself a question, I have an element of uncertainty and doubt.
When I ask you “Are you feeling good?”, it requires you search to see whether it is true!

We are seeking something to have or be or do here in this physical life.
What we seek for , we will find.
Such is the metaphysical nature of life.
To seek is to find.

When we are single-minded, focused and inner directed, we always find what we seek for.
Most are taught by a world that seeks for what is not good in order to defend against it.
Therefore the mind that seeks to protect finds all the obstacles to safety, peace and feeling good.
When we focus with innocent trust on “Feeling Good”, we keep finding how to feel Good.

Our natural state is to Feel Good.
Our natural state is to be Happy and in Love.
Our natural state is to be energized and healthy.
When we try to figure out how to prevent, avoid and analyze feeling bad, we need to create the problem.

It behooves us to focus on Feeling Good.
Be grateful for feeling Good.
Be happy about feeling Good.
Enjoy feeling good.
Love feeling Good.

When we are consumed with Feeling Good, we trust, respect, appreciate and experience many ways to Feel Good.

I feel Good about Feeling Good!!
Thanks for choosing to Feel Good!
Betty Lue

If you had one goal, and that was to feel good, you would never again need to hear another word from anyone. You would live successfully and happily and in a way of fulfilling your life's purpose ever after.