I appreciate the life I have chosen.
I value and enjoy the life I have.
I easily release everything I no longer value.
I value the good things in life.
You Value You Create!
you recognize the power of value?
Do you understand
what you give attention to has power?
Do you know you are
creating more of what you value?
Are you aware of
what you value?
you have it in your life, you must have given it value.
If you have a lot of
it in your life, you must have valued it greatly.
If you value
struggle, you will have an abundance of struggle.
If you value peace,
you will have an abundance of peace.
when you look at your life, can identify what you value.
Valuing sleep more than
other things, you will have more sleep.
If there is
something you value more, (TV, work, Drama, worry) you will have more of that.
It is difficult to
discern what your valuing has created, unless you look deeply.
thoughts, words and activities demonstrate what we value.
How we spend our
time, energy and money shows what we value.
Even when we are
negatively valuing, we still are demonstrating our values.
Trying not to get
sick may create more worry about sickness.
on health and happiness is not the same as avoiding or preventing sickness and
Avoidance of
something is also valuing.
Turn around
negatives into positives to accurately demonstrate what you really want.
Instead of trying
not to get sick or deny aging, choose to appreciate enjoying a life of radiant
is giving energy to what has importance to you.
You may have learned
to try to be by trying not to be.
This creates
confusion in your creative mind.
It is best to affirm
you are and have and do what is true for you.
AM healthy and happy.
AM powerful and creative.
have everything I desire.
enjoy everything I have.
do what is highest and best for me.
do what brings me health, happiness and fulfillment.
works for me, because I appreciate the life I have chosen.
to Focus and Value what you REALLY want!
Love always Love,
Betty Lue