Sunday, May 26, 2019

Love No Matter What!

I am always loved, whether I know it or not.
I am Love Itself.
I share Love easily and naturally.
Love is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Unconditional Love Prevails

There is no greater gift than to know Unconditional Love.
There is no greater experience than to be loved without conditions.
To know how to love even One forever and always is a profound healing and awakening experience.
To open one’s heart to love everyone is the Eternal Bliss of Freedom and Trust, True Enlightenment

Love feels.
Love heals.
Love reveals.
Love is Real.

Sometimes we cry with Love.
At times we sigh with Love.
Often times we smile with Love.
And perhaps we die with Love.
Love never ends.
So no matter what, we continue loving.
We give all we have and more is given.
We share what we know and more is known.

When we get stuck with judgment.
When we fear being rejected,
When we feel guilt or regret,
We can always return to love.

Love never leaves us.
It waits for us to return.
Love never deceives us.
Forgiveness looks deeper.

Love is the answer to every prayer.
Love is the song we sing when we dare.
Love is the gift that is received in the giving.
Love is the way we know abundant living.

Whether we know it or not, love hits the spot.
When upset, angry or filled with regret, return to Love.
When we allow love to be blocked, we easily find the key.
Forgive ourselves for withholding our natural state of Love.

Love is the answer when caught in doubt.
Love is the power, when lost in helplessness.
Love is the healing, when we feel hopeless.
Love is the light when we are hiding it the dark.

When we answer with Love, we release all fear.
When we listen to Love, we find the way.
When we remember to Love, we return to wholeness.
When we seek only Love, we see the Light.

Love, only Love and you will know You Are only Love.
Loving you with all my heart and soul.
I am here to always remember to Love.
Betty Lue

True Love needs not to be recognized, acknowledged or appreciated.
It is received in the heart of all beings, whether the personality knows it or not.
Give only Love to all those, in body or not, present or far away, open or closed.
This Love will heal and bless you both.