Thursday, February 14, 2019

Meaning of Your Life

I live for the sake of Loving.
I give for the Joy of Giving.
I learn for the gift of learning.
I Love to Live and Live to Give.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What Does It Mean?

You give everything you see and hear all the meaning it has for you.
When you give meaning to Love, Love is meaningful for you.
When you give meaning to Fear, Fear is meaningful for you.
When you give meaning to Life, Life is meaningful for you.

For those who have no meaning, nothing means anything.
And so it is we find no relevance to what is or will be.
For those who find meaning in everything, everything means something.
The meaning we give to something is the meaning we believe is real.

When we say “I love you.”, we give those words their meaning.
When we forget or neglect to say loving words, we lose the meaning of loving words.
When we show our love to someone thinking they understand their meaning, we may be disillusioned.
For the meaning received is often not the meaning given and intended.

Be sure to focus on the meaning of your life.
Give a clear intention for the words you speak.
Respect yourself and the meaning you give.
Teach others to be meaningful in their sharing.

It helps to forgive all lack of meaning.
It heals to contribute positive meaning.
It works to share full the underlying meaning.
It teaches to give everything with meaning.

These Loving Reminders are my gift to you.
They have powerful  meaning to me.
I write and share them every day as my Love for you.
I care about you and the quality of life you choose.

I only want for you, Love!
Love is my natural state and yours too!
Love has given us life and the freedom to choose.
When we trust in the Love within us, we will always choose for Love.

“Give yourself to Love.
And Love will give to you.
Live your life with Trust.
And Trust will see you through.”

Your Loving Reminder,
Betty Lue