Sunday, May 06, 2018

Keep On Going!

No matter what, I return to Love.
I free myself to respond with trust.
I trust Love is the answer.
I keep going with ease and grace. 

Keep Going!

Stop only to assess where your next step is boing to be.
Stop to refresh and renew your energy.
Stop to pause and be grateful for where you are.
Stop and appreciate all those who are going with you.

Life is a moving process.
Life is a growing adventure.
Life is flowing right along to where you are going to be.
Life is showing you what is fun, safe, easy and free.

People often take the road most challenging.
People often follow their friends and loved ones.
People often try to make things happen.
People often make life difficult, expensive and dangerous.

When we stop trying, we can just let go and life flows.
When we stop judging, we find there is fun in it all.
When we stop complaining, we may do some rearranging.
When we free ourselves from getting stuck, we simply keep going.

Keep on loving.
It frees us from fear.
Keep on giving.
It allows us to prosper.
Keep on smiling.
It clears tragedy and tears.
Keep on helping.
It helps us too.

No matter what, life is an ever-expanding adventure.
No matter what, life calls us to get up and get moving.
No matter what, life is for praising and celebrating.
No matter what, life shows us the way.

There are twists and turns in the course of the flow.
But no matter what you can continue to go in the right direction.
When you get stuck, get free quickly.
You will find life takes you in the current to where you need to be.

Let go and allow.
Let go and be with what Is.
Let go and be thankful.
Let go and trust.

Trust. Trust. Trust.
Love is a must.
Keep it simple.
Keep it true.
God in me
Is Loving You!
So Trust. Trust. Trust.

Betty Lue